Start to finish fun work out.

Start to finish fun work out.

This team are rapidly growing in to the most popular classes in the area.

Come and see how much fun it is……

Bringing to you a chance to experience it all…. Zumba®, Bokwa® and Zumba Toning®

Lots of fun and laughter to be enjoyed in aid of Charity. 2 Charities close to Crossbodyleads hearts, Lupus UK and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Over the last few years Crossbodyleads Salsa & Zumba® have raised over £15,000 for both charities, this year we aim to smash is again and add a lot more to the pot, but it can only be done with your help and support. 

Come join in the fun and lets Party for Charity Crossbodyleads Style.

Fully qualified Instructors are getting together to lend their support and Party with us for 2013.

We have our very own Rachael Grantham, Nicola Dodgson, Amy Miller and joining us is Charmaine Daley, Renae Atkinson and Gaye Tate.

Sunday 23rd June 2013
John Godber Centre, Ogle Street, Hucknall, NG15 7FQ
Doors Open 1.15pm, 1st class 1.30pm – 4.30pm.

£10 on the door or book online via
£8 in advance from any of the above instructors.